Common Hearing Problems and Solutions

A person with hearing loss may find it difficult to communicate and have problems in social situations. They might also struggle to hear warnings and doorbells.

It can be hard to recognise hearing loss in yourself, so friends and family might notice it first. They might comment that you listen to the television or radio loudly, or ask you to repeat yourself.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

NIHL results from exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels for an extended period of time. The sound waves can rupture your eardrum and damage the bones inside your ears. They can also destroy the specialized hair cells in your cochlea, which is what causes permanent hearing loss.

Symptoms of noise-induced hearing loss may come on suddenly or develop over time. They include a change in the quality of your hearing, like speech and music sounding muffled. You may experience a sensation that your ears are full, or ringing in your ears (tinnitus). Other symptoms include difficulty understanding other people when in a noisy environment, noticing the volume on your television or radio is turned up higher than usual and trouble hearing high-pitched sounds such as birds singing.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s vital to consult Melbourne Audiology Centre as soon as possible. You may require treatment such as acoustic neuroma surgery or other medical intervention to help prevent further hearing loss. It’s crucial to avoid loud noises that can damage your ears, such as concerts and sporting events. If you must be exposed to loud noises, use earplugs or earmuffs specifically designed for the activity you are undertaking (activity-specific earplugs and earmuffs can be purchased at hardware and sports stores).

Conductive Hearing Loss

Normally, sounds travel down your ear canal to vibrate your ear drum (tympanic membrane). The sound waves are then carried by three middle ear bones (malleus, incus, and stapes) to the inner ear (cochlea), where they are turned into nerve signals that your brain interprets as hearing. Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound can’t reach your inner ear effectively due to problems in the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear structures. This problem can be caused by a buildup of earwax, an ear infection causing fluid to accumulate behind your eardrum, abnormal bone growth in the outer or middle ear, or structural problems like a hole in your eardrum, or damage to the ossicles.

Conductive hearing loss can also occur in newborns due to problems with the development of their outer or middle ear structures while they were in the womb. This is called congenital conductive hearing loss and it can range from mild to severe in severity.

If you suspect you have a conductive hearing loss, audiologist Doncaster will assess your condition with a comprehensive hearing test. If the underlying cause can be treated, traditional hearing aids may help improve your ability to hear. If you or your child have a more serious conductive hearing loss, implantable hearing devices such as a cochlear implant may be the best solution

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that causes sudden and repeated attacks of vertigo along with hearing loss. The condition is caused by a build-up of fluid in the chambers inside the inner ear. These episodes of vertigo are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, and sometimes deafness. The condition usually affects only one ear, but some people experience the symptoms in both ears. The episodes of vertigo can occur at any time, and can last for a few hours or several days. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, consider seeking help from an audiology clinic near Bundoora.

In early stages of Meniere’s, the fluid build-up in the ear can cause vertigo with a sensation of fullness or pressure in the ear. This is followed by a decrease in hearing that often affects low frequencies. Over time, the fluid concentration may cause permanent damage to sensory cells responsible for balance and hearing.

The condition is typically diagnosed based on a patient’s history of symptoms and an exam. Your doctor will likely recommend a caloric stimulation test to check your balance and an audiogram to measure your hearing. A MRI or CT scan can also help diagnose the condition, but these tests are not often necessary. Medications and vestibular rehabilitation can greatly reduce the severity of the episodes of vertigo, and can also improve your hearing. If medications do not improve your symptoms, surgery is an option. This includes endolymphatic sac, or shunt, surgery which attempts to decompress the inner ear fluid.

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease

Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED) occurs when your immune system attacks tissues in the ear. This often causes sensorineural hearing loss and balance problems. This is a rare condition. It can be difficult to diagnose, and most people with AIED don’t get diagnosed until their hearing loss has progressed to both ears.

Normally, your immune cells are constantly on the lookout for germs like bacteria and viruses. If they find a normal cell that looks like a germ, your immune system will attack the cell to protect the body. Sometimes, your immune system can mistake its own tissues for germs and attack the cells by mistake. This is called autoimmune disease.

AIED usually happens as part of another autoimmune disease that affects the whole body such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, ulcerative colitis or Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, although it can happen on its own. The earliest symptoms of AIED are dizziness and hearing loss that begin in one ear and spread to both ears over weeks or months.

It is important to get your ear examined right away by audiologist in Werribee if you have sudden, progressive hearing and balance loss in both ears. This is because the earlier you start treatment, the better your chances are of reversing the hearing and balance loss. Recent basic science research has focused on delineating the mechanisms by which autoimmune processes can lead to inner ear pathology and developing optimal diagnostic work-up strategies as well as treatment avenues

How Custom Orthotics Are Revolutionising the Way We Approach Foot Support and Wellness

Custom orthotics stand apart from generic shoe inserts or over-the-counter insoles due to their personalised prescription and tailored craftsmanship catering to individual foot anatomy. By enhancing balance and alignment, they alleviate pressure on crucial joints like the hips, knees, and spine.

For those grappling with foot and ankle discomfort, custom orthotics present a transformative solution, facilitating enhanced mobility and enabling a more dynamic lifestyle.

They’re Custom-Made for Your Feet

Unlike shoe inserts, which are available in stores without a prescription and are often made of foam or plastic, orthotics are custom-molded to fit your feet. They’re designed to correct imbalances and provide support for the foot, ankle, knee, and lower back by distributing your weight evenly across the surface of your feet.

The process to create a pair of custom orthotics begins with a hands-on evaluation of your feet and your shoes. A podiatrist at your local podiatry clinic will examine your medical history and take a detailed look at the structure of your feet and how they relate to the rest of your body. You’ll also have a biomechanical examination that will include walking and standing tests.

To make a mold of your foot, your provider will use a casting method like plaster or a “stomp box” which has a piece of impression foam in it that you step into with each foot. It’s important that the provider is experienced in this so they can accurately position your feet as you walk into the box to avoid creating an orthotic that doesn’t address your unique biomechanics.

Depending on the type of orthotics you choose, they may be rigid enough to address structural issues such as arthritic pain or rigid joints. But they can also be softer to redistribute pressure and reduce friction. They can even be flexible to adapt to the motions of your feet during different activities.

They’re Affordable

Custom-made orthotics aren’t as expensive as they may seem. Especially when you factor in the potential for lower body pain relief, they can actually be cost-effective.

A qualified podiatrist, sports medicine doctor, or orthopedic surgeon will evaluate your feet and determine whether you need custom orthotics in Thornbury. Then they will perform a hands-on evaluation of your feet, ankles, knees, and hips to identify and address any underlying biomechanical issues that could be contributing to your foot pain.

The misalignments in the bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles of your feet can actually have an impact on the kinetic chain on the rest of your body, including your back and knees. This is because the body compensates for imbalances by putting extra strain on other joints and muscles in an attempt to balance out the imbalance.

Often, the best way to get relief from lingering foot or lower body pain is with a pair of orthotics. You can purchase a pair of custom orthotics from a qualified healthcare provider for around $200 or you can purchase semi-custom over-the-counter insoles.

They’re Versatile

There’s a lot to love about custom orthotics, but the truth is, they’re not a universal solution for every foot and ankle issue. After all, most of us have ten total toes and two feet and ankles with over a hundred different muscles, tendons, and ligaments connecting to each other. If your feet aren’t healthy, the way that you walk and run will reflect this. If you’re prone to flat feet, or you have bunions or foot ulcers, you’ll need a more targeted treatment that focuses on your unique needs.

That’s why a hands-on evaluation is crucial when you’re looking into custom orthotics. You can find providers who will send you a stomp box where you step into it with each foot, and then the provider will make impressions of your feet. However, this kind of process isn’t always as effective as a face-to-face evaluation from an experienced provider.

A great way to think about your feet is as a long kinetic chain of motion. If your feet aren’t functioning optimally, they can throw off the whole system and lead to pain, discomfort, or even injury as other joints and parts of your body try to compensate. Custom orthotics can help stabilize your feet and align them in a more functional position that promotes healing, relieves pain, and takes stress and pressure off of other areas of your body.

They’re Effective

Foot pain, instability, and discomfort can cause a domino effect throughout your body. Your feet are like a link in an extensive kinetic chain, and any imbalances in their structure or function will impact your ankles, knees, hips, and back. When you invest in orthotics, they can improve your quality of life by promoting healthy motion throughout the body and helping you to maintain an active lifestyle.

The first step is a complete evaluation of your feet and their needs. This involves a physical examination, gait analysis and sometimes imaging tests. The evaluation will help your local foot doctors identify the specific issues and requirements of your feet, allowing them to tailor the right orthotics for your specific needs.

Using this information, your healthcare professional will capture a mold of your feet. This may involve either plaster casting, foam box impressions, or a digital scan. The resulting orthotics are built to fit your feet exactly, ensuring that they’re comfortable and effective.

Custom orthotics can treat a variety of foot and ankle problems, including overpronation, metatarsalgia, heel spurs, shin splints, arthritic knees, sprained ankles and rolled ankles. By enhancing stability, providing cushioning, and reducing pressure on certain areas of the foot, they can also prevent injuries such as stress fractures and shin splints. In addition, they can increase the effectiveness of shoe inserts, reducing the need for more expensive and time-consuming procedures such as surgery.

The Importance of Local Podiatrists in Community Health

Your feet are the foundation of your body, so taking care of them is crucial. Podiatry is a health service that can help people with many medical conditions.

It can also serve as a gentle easing into physical touch and additional care for people who are reluctant to accept either of these. This can help to reduce the number of ulcers, amputations, and deaths related to foot problems.

The Importance of Local Podiatrists and Modern Medicine

Foot pain is one of the most common health conditions, affecting both children and adults. However, it is often overlooked and not properly addressed, leading to serious complications such as amputations and infections. Regular visits to a podiatrist can help prevent these problems and keep your feet healthy throughout your life.

Local podiatrists are highly qualified professionals who specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders involving the feet, ankles, and lower legs. They also provide education about foot hygiene and other health-related topics.

The need for podiatry services with the application of Modern Medicine Ballarat is growing due to increasing rates of chronic long-term conditions, and the associated increase in the need for lower limb care. Many communities have limited access to specialised lower limb care, and the demand for services is projected to continue to grow.

Despite the need for more podiatry services, the current workforce is limited and struggling to meet service demands. This is mainly due to low retention and the limited opportunity for career advancement. The need for better support and incentives to allow for greater progression to senior clinical, leadership, and education roles is essential.

Providing access to podiatry services for people who are homeless or residing in unstable and/or insecure housing is crucial, as these groups are known to have barriers to healthcare seeking. This study aimed to identify the types of people who use a community podiatry service specifically targeted at homeless and/or disadvantaged people, the conditions for which they seek care, and how these people first came to the service.

Podiatrists Provide Medical Treatment

Many people think that foot pain is a normal part of life, but in fact, it’s a signal that something is wrong. If you have pain in your feet and ankles, visit a podiatrist to learn more about your problem and the best ways to treat it.

Podiatrists are medical specialists that focus on the feet and lower legs. They can help you with problems ranging from injuries to complications caused by chronic conditions such as diabetes.

They perform a range of musculoskeletal diagnostic tests and use a wide variety of imaging including X-ray, ultrasound, and MRI to diagnose and treat conditions. This includes the diagnosis of a range of conditions that include;

Heel pain is one of the most common problems seen in podiatry clinics which can be caused by a variety of factors including structural and functional issues, training overload, or inappropriate footwear. Treatment often includes taping, shockwave therapy, dry needling, stretching/strengthening, massage, and orthotic therapy.

For patients with complex conditions such as neuromas (a painful, tingling nerve condition in the feet) and diabetic foot complications, podiatrists can provide a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments. They are also able to provide specialist advice on the prevention of these conditions by implementing preventative health measures such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications. They are also able to refer to other health professionals as necessary.

Podiatrists Provide Education

When a patient visits a podiatrist, the doctor will ask about their medical history and current medications. Then, they will do a physical exam of the feet and ankles to look for any abnormalities or pain. The doctor may also take X-rays, ultrasounds, or CT scans to help diagnose the problem and develop a treatment plan.

Podiatrists also provide education to patients on foot care and how to keep their feet healthy. They can teach patients about proper shoe selection and how to properly trim toenails. In addition, they can advise patients on how to manage conditions like bunions and hammertoes.

Educating patients is important because these foot specialists have spent years learning about the complex anatomy of the feet and ankles. Unlike general doctors or orthopedists, who receive a broader medical education that covers many musculoskeletal problems, podiatrists have a more in-depth understanding of the feet and ankles—which contain 26 bones, 33 joints (20 of which are actively articulated), and hundreds of muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

A recent study found that Australian podiatrists use a variety of methods to educate patients about the complexities of diabetes-related foot disease. Whether it’s through videos, written information that is generic or tailored to each individual patient, or verbal discussion, podiatrists are educating patients about how to prevent and treat diabetic foot complications.

Podiatrists Help People with Multiple Conditions

If you have problems with your feet, ankles, or lower legs, see a podiatrist. These specialists are true foot and leg doctors — they have gone through podiatric medical school and hospital-based residency training, making them uniquely qualified to care for this important part of the body. Look for the letters “DPM” (doctor of podiatric medicine) after their names.

They are experts in the field of foot and lower leg health, and they can treat injuries to your lower limbs and help you deal with complications from other diseases, such as diabetes. They can reset broken bones, prescribe medications, and order lab tests or X-rays.

During your first visit, the podiatrist will take down your medical history to understand your general health and any other ongoing issues. Then they will do a physical exam, including checking for any swelling or bruising. They may also ask you to stand and walk, to evaluate your balance and how well your feet move as you go about your day.

Podiatry plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being by focusing on the often-overlooked foundation of the body: the feet. By providing medical treatment, education, and assistance for a wide range of conditions, podiatrists offer essential care that can prevent serious complications such as amputations and infections. As the demand for podiatry services continues to grow, it’s imperative to recognize the importance of local podiatrists and modern medicine in ensuring access to quality foot and lower limb care for all individuals.

Exploring Effective Treatments For Plantar Fasciitis

Patients with plantar fasciitis typically report pain from the bottom of their heel. This pain is usually most intense after stepping out of bed in the morning or after long periods of inactivity.

Traditional physical therapy treatment includes manual therapy, stretching, icing and activity modification. Cortisone injections are also commonly used but have been shown to weaken the plantar fascia tissue and increase risk of rupture.


One of the first treatment approaches for plantar fasciitis is a simple stretching exercise. Patients that do this exercise regularly have a much lower incidence of heel pain. The stretch involves sitting down and crossing your affected leg over the knee of your non-affected leg. Grabbing your toes with your free hand, gently pull them toward your shin until you feel a stretch in your arch and foot. Then hold this position for a few seconds, and repeat several times.

In addition to this exercise, patients will be instructed to avoid putting too much pressure on their feet, especially while standing for long periods of time. They will be encouraged to wear shoes that have good support and are made of a flexible material. The doctors may also recommend that patients try switching to low impact exercise such as swimming or cycling, which puts less stress on the feet and joints.

Other treatments that are used to help ease the pain of plantar fasciitis include icing, night splints, and shock wave therapy. These interventions are typically utilized in conjunction with a physical therapy program to alleviate inflammation and expedite the healing process. In the most severe cases, injections or endoscopic fasciotomy surgery may be recommended, but the vast majority of patients find relief from their symptoms through our clinic’s comprehensive, nonsurgical approach


Using ice on the affected area is one of the most common home treatments for plantar fasciitis. The ice is used for its anti-inflammatory and numbing properties. However, it is important not to apply the ice directly to the skin. Doing so could cause frostbite. Instead, ice should be applied to the bottom of the foot, near the heel. The icing should be done at least twice a day.

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the heel and arch of your foot. It is caused by overuse and tightness of the plantar fascia, which leads to micro-tears. It is common for athletes or people who have to stand all day at work for prolonged periods of time to develop plantar fasciitis. People who wear shoes that do not provide enough support for their feet, like flip flops or flats, are also more susceptible to developing the condition.

Plantar fasciitis is a prevalent condition that can be alleviated with appropriate foot pain treatment in Dural and preventative measures. It’s crucial to stretch your feet before standing up from a seated or sleeping position, and to refrain from wearing shoes lacking adequate support and cushioning, particularly if you have flat or high arches. Additionally, regular physical therapy is highly effective for treating plantar fasciitis. If your foot pain persists despite several months of stretching and icing, consider reaching out to a local podiatry clinic in Baulkham Hills for further treatment options.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a noninvasive treatment that significantly decreases pain and increases the healing process for plantar fasciitis. It involves the application of a gel and then pressing a hand-held applicator against the foot. The shock waves cause the tissue to vibrate, which increases blood flow and reduces inflammation.

Shock wave therapy is an effective alternative to other treatments that can be costly, invasive and have significant risks. For example, steroid injections can deliver medication directly to the heel for fast relief of pain and swelling but they may need to be repeated over time. Surgery is a surgical option that removes the damaged tissue, but it also poses the risk of further injury and long recovery periods.

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so you can go home after the session. It is generally recommended to have three sessions spaced a week apart, each lasting for about 10 minutes. Several scientific randomised controlled trials have demonstrated that shockwave therapy is an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis.

During the treatment, patients typically feel transient discomfort as the shockwaves stimulate small blood vessels and trigger new tissue growth. This increase in blood flow causes superficial bruising of the skin. The pain usually lasts for a few days but then gradually fades due to the increase in blood flow.

Night Splints

Night splints are designed to hold your foot in a specific position while you sleep. They are intended to stretch your calf muscles that are tight and often contribute to plantar fasciitis pain. They are also used to prevent the recurrence of the condition after a flare up. They are a great addition to your treatment and should be worn regularly until you notice improvement.

This is a condition that typically feels like a sharp, stabbing pain in the bottom of your heel that comes from the area closest to your toes. The pain is usually worse when you first stand up after sitting or sleeping, or when you walk, exercise, or use your feet for work. It can also become a problem with sports that require repetitive motions, such as running or basketball.

Many of our patients in Frisco have found that wearing night splints while they are at home has been a very effective way to reduce the pain from plantar fasciitis. However, many patients find the splints to be uncomfortable and may stop using them after a short period of time. Fortunately, newer splints are available with variable stretching settings and a wedge that is inserted underneath the big toe to help stretch the plantar fascia.

Studies have shown that if you continue to suffer from plantar fasciitis after trying these conservative treatments, it is likely time to seek a more aggressive approach. This could include injections or extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

How Chiropractors Effectively Treat Back and Neck Pain

Chiropractic is a hands-on approach to treating back and neck pain. Chiropractors use a thorough assessment to create a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Spinal manipulation, including neck adjustments, can help improve spinal alignment and reduce nerve interference, resulting in reduced pain and improved function. Manual manipulation is used most often, but traction and instrument-assisted techniques were also frequently employed.

Neck Strain

Neck strain is a common injury that occurs when the neck jerks forward or backward beyond its normal motion range. This can occur during car accidents, falls or traumatic sports injuries. It can also result from repeated movements that strain the neck, such as sleeping with a head elevated on a pillow or working at a computer for long periods of time. Neck pain from a neck strain can range in intensity from mild to severe and may be accompanied by headaches, tingling or weakness.

Chiropractor Essendon are experts in diagnosing and treating conditions of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine. They treat a variety of ailments that include herniated discs, muscle strains and poor posture. They often employ a combination of treatment techniques that can help patients manage pain, improve their posture and increase their range of motion.

During an initial consultation, the chiropractor will ask you questions about your neck pain and symptoms. They will also take your medical history to determine whether the problem is a symptom of a more serious condition, such as a bone fracture or tumor. They will order x-rays to identify narrowed disc spaces, bone spurs or fractures, and an imaging test, such as a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to check for slipped or bulging discs.


Arthritis is a condition that occurs when your joints develop damage. It usually affects the ends where two bones meet to form a joint and the tissue that covers them, called cartilage. Over time, your cartilage can become thin and rough, leading to pain and stiffness. In some cases, you might hear grating or crackling sounds when you use the joint. You might also notice that your range of motion is limited or that the joint feels tender when touched.

A chiropractor can help you manage your arthritis through various techniques. One common approach is spinal manipulations, which are also known as chiropractic adjustments. This technique involves using precise and controlled pressure to realign the spine, alleviate nerve compression and improve musculoskeletal function. A chiropractor may also incorporate mobilization and soft tissue techniques into their treatment plan. These include therapeutic exercises, manual traction and massage therapy to reduce muscle tension and improve the flexibility of the affected muscles and joints.

In addition, some chiropractors offer prolotherapy and sclerotherapy, which involve injections of sugar water or anesthetic into the area to stimulate your body’s production of collagen, a protein that strengthens ligaments. Some studies show that this therapy can decrease neck pain caused by osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. However, more research is needed.

Limited Range of Motion

In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractors may also use a technique called mobilization and soft tissue techniques to reduce muscle tension, improve joint function and reduce muscular imbalances. Mobilization is a hands-on technique that involves moving the vertebrae in your neck to relieve tight muscles and restore proper spinal alignment.

When a chiropractor performs this treatment, they place their hand on the spinal cord at its lower point (spinal cord nucleus). They then apply gentle pressure to the vertebrae while moving them backward and forward, side to side, or rotating them. In addition, they may use a device known as an E-stim machine, which uses electricity to simulate muscle contractions, increasing circulation and reducing inflammation.

If you have a herniated or slipped disc in your neck, a chiropractic treatment is likely to help alleviate your pain. However, if you have a bone fracture or serious abnormality such as arthritis or osteoporosis, your doctor may need to recommend alternative treatments.

One study found that cervical spine manipulation produced a significant reduction in neck pain and disability when compared to usual medical care. Patients receiving chiropractic care had fewer symptoms, were more satisfied with their treatment, and used less medication than those receiving usual medical care alone. The chiropractic group also had a faster rate of recovery from neck injury.


Proper posture helps distribute weight evenly across the skeletal system, reducing stress on muscles and joints. Poor posture is often a contributing factor to neck pain, as well as back pain. Chiropractors can teach you ways to improve your posture, which may help relieve your symptoms.

A chiropractic exam typically lasts about an hour. The chiropractor will take a detailed health history and perform a physical exam. They may also order diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or an MRI, to make a diagnosis.

During spinal manipulation, the chiropractor moves your body’s joints to restore movement and reduce tension in your back and neck. This may feel uncomfortable at times, but it is a safe and effective treatment. If you have any discomfort during the procedure, your chiropractor will adjust the pressure on your body or use another technique.

Your chiropractor can recommend various treatments, including massage therapy, soft tissue mobilization, traction, joint taping and heat or cold application. They may also provide acupuncture or trigger point injections, which involve placing a needle in specific areas to release the body’s natural painkillers, endorphins.

A 2019 study found that cervical spine manipulation decreases neck pain in the short-term by modifying levels of neuropeptides, proteins made by the nervous system. These act as neurotransmitters or hormones. This can lower your need for opioid pain relievers, which have serious side effects.

The Ultimate Guide to Blepharoplasty and Tummy Tuck Procedures

To make sure you are in good health before undergoing surgery, the surgeon will need to know about any medical conditions and medications you are taking. X-rays and blood tests may also be needed.

Swelling and bruising can be reduced by keeping your head elevated and using ice packs. You can also prepare for recovery at home by placing items like magazines, puzzles and snacks in easy reach.

What is a Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical cosmetic procedure that can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids to remove excess skin and fat. This can be done for cosmetic reasons or to improve the appearance of tired eyes. It can also help improve vision that is obscured by sagging skin.

As we age, our skin may begin to loosen and droop, resulting in excess fat accumulation above the eyelids or under the eyes. This can cause sagging eyelids and can make you look older and tired. Eyelid surgery can help to reduce this sagging, revealing more of your natural facial features.

While blepharoplasty can significantly reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and crow’s feet, it cannot lift sagging eyebrows or eliminate wrinkles around the nose or mouth. However, it can be combined with a facelift or brow lift to achieve these results.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck — also known as abdominoplasty — is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and loose skin from the abdomen. It can also tighten muscles in the abdominal wall and create a more toned appearance. A tummy tuck can be performed alone or in combination with liposuction to improve results.

If you are considering a Melbourne abdominoplasty, talk to a surgeon like Mr. Dean White ( about your goals and expectations. Surgeon will also ask about your medical history, including previous surgeries and any medications you take. You should maintain a stable weight before surgery and avoid significant fluctuations in weight. This will help you achieve and maintain your desired result.

You may be required to wear a support garment or abdominal wrap after your tummy tuck, and you will probably need to take time off work. The surgical procedure can last up to two hours and requires a general anesthetic.

What are the Benefits of a Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty improves sagging skin in the upper and lower eyelids, puffiness around the eyes, and wrinkles at the corners of the eyes. This procedure makes you look younger and more alert, and it can also help improve vision by removing excess skin that blocks the line of sight.

For some people, drooping skin can cause them to lose their peripheral vision, and a sagging upper lid can push the brow down and create deep furrows in the forehead. A blepharoplasty can correct these problems and eliminate the need for a person to raise their brow to see.

A blepharoplasty can be performed for cosmetic or medical reasons, and it may be covered by insurance if the surgery is to improve your field of vision. A blepharoplasty can also reduce headaches for some migraine sufferers. If you are considering this procedure, it is a good idea to schedule an initial consultation and write down any questions that you have.

What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, slims and flattens the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the abdominal muscles. It also removes and improves c-section scars. It is a popular choice for men and women who have achieved an ideal body weight through diet and exercise but are still struggling with loose skin in the midsection.

Enhanced Core Strength

Tummy tuck surgery tightens weak abdominal muscles and removes excess fat, resulting in firmer, more defined abs. This results in an improved posture and alleviates back pain, making daily activities easier.

In addition, a tummy tuck eliminates love handles, which gives the abdomen a more streamlined appearance. Many patients find that the confidence they gain from their new look is a motivating factor in maintaining their new, healthy lifestyle. They may even re-discover clothing in their closet that they had given away or discarded because it no longer fits.

What are the Risks of a Blepharoplasty?

Melbourne blepharoplasty is a safe procedure and it can be performed through either an incision at the edge of your lower eyelid skin (which will leave a scar) or a tiny incision on the inside of your eyelid. The incisions will fade over time.

It is important to talk to your doctor about your medical history before you have a blepharoplasty. This will include any previous surgeries and any medications you are taking or have taken in the past. It is also important to discuss any allergies or circulatory problems you may have.

Some patients develop a condition called ectropion — drooping of the upper lids — or retinal detachment during or after a blepharoplasty. These complications occur only in exceptional cases and they can usually be corrected with revision surgery. You can reduce your risk of complications by following your doctor’s instructions for care after the operation, including avoiding rubbing or straining and using ointment to lubricate your eyes.

What are the Risks of a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery involves removing loose skin and tightening the muscles in your abdominal wall. It is considered a body-contouring procedure and is not designed as fat removal, although liposuction can be added to the tummy tuck if needed.

The surgery can take anywhere from one to five hours, and you will be under general anesthesia. You will have pain and swelling for some time after the procedure, but this can be managed with medications.

You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home from the hospital and to stay with you for the first night of recovery. You will also need to refrain from smoking or taking any medication that can cause blood thinning, such as aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs and supplements.

Other risks of a tummy tuck include visible scarring, infection and complications from the anesthesia. In addition, if you have major abdominal surgeries in the past, your results may not be as dramatic.