What is a Podiatrist?

What is a Podiatrist?


“We are the Sunshine Coast`s foot health specialists.” That is the tag line for Drive Medical Clinic, a Sunshine Coast Podiatrist that specializes in all aspects of podiatry and its related disorders.

Since its inception in 1984, the podiatry practice at Drive Medical Clinic has grown to comprise one of the major institutions in the region.

This highly regarded medical facility offers a whole range of podiatry treatment, that is tailored to suit a wide variety of patients with various foot and ankle disorders.

One of the unique ways in which podiatry is practiced at the clinic is through coastal podiatry chiropractic service. This is a non surgical, alternative, therapy that utilizes chiropractic manipulative therapy to treat common podiatry problems such as bunions, corns, warts, ingrown toenails and hammertoes.

The podiatrist schedules appointments on an individual basis depending upon the severity of the problem being addressed.

For example, if a patient were suffering from corns, then the podiatrist would schedule a weekly procedure whereby the patient would come for a consultation in order for him to be properly diagnosed, an x-ray of his feet and a consultation with one of the podiatry staff in order to come up with a treatment plan that will work best in addressing his condition.

The podiatrist will then give the patient a written referral in order for him to receive further treatment by going to that particular podiatry clinic in the case of further problems being addressed.

The podiatrist also uses these specialty clinics in order to conduct research studies in order to find out more about various conditions that are common among the general population as well as the specific ones he sees in his office.

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One of the common studies the podiatrist conducting is through the New York State Department of Health where they conduct several studies in an effort to find out more about different diseases that can affect the feet of individuals.

podiatrists have also been known to treat individuals who suffer from conditions such as foot pain resulting from arthritis and tendonitis.

Studies carried out by them show that almost 40% of individuals who consult them seek treatment in order to eliminate the source of their foot pain. In addition to this, podiatry is also known to be effective in dealing with problems that arise due to injuries incurred while playing sports. These sports include football, basketball, softball, volleyball and lacrosse.

The New Jersey podiatrist, also an expert in Parkinson’s Disease, has also been known to treat individuals who have had toe injuries caused by frostbite. Individuals who are living in the New Jersey area can get in touch with a podiatrist in order to know more about various foot ailments that they may suffer from. Some of these ailments include Ingrown Toe, Bunions and Warts.

Overall, the New Jersey Pediatric industry is one of the leading providers of outpatient services in the New Jersey area. They also offer home healthcare services and in some cases emergency care units. Individuals living in the Sunshine Coast area can get in touch with a podiatrist in order to know more about foot disorders that they may suffer from.